CE6143 - Introduction to Data Science (Spring 2017)

Lecture language: English

Final project presentation slides

Group Title Slides
1 Gesture Recognition PDF
2 Movie Rating Prediction PPTX
3 Image Recognition PPTX
4 Bankruptcy PPTX
5 Life Prediction PPTX
6 Employee Leave Prediction PPTX
7 Kidney Eyes PPTX
8 Ads Recommendation PPTX
9 Dynamics of Terrorism Regularity PPTX
10 How to be Happy PPTX
11 NBA Lottery PPTX
12 Highway Traffic Prediction PPTX
13 User Online Browsing and Shopping Behavior Pattern PPTX
14 Design a User Friendly Webpage PPTX
15 Personality Prediction PPTX
16 DoS Attack Prediction PPTX
17 Bus Travel Time Prediction PPTX
18 GDP Prediction PPTX
19 Stock Price Prediction PPTX
20 Lung Adenocarcicoma Classification PPTX

Meeting time and place

Recommended textbooks





12/13Overview of the courseExercise 0 (due: none)
22/201. Introduction to ML
2. KNN
3. k-means
Exercise 1 (due: 3/5 23:59:59)
43/61. Distance measures
2. Decision tree
Exercise 2 (due: 3/19 23:59:59)
53/131. Entropy
2. Decision tree
3. Linear regression
63/201. Matrix derivatives
2. Linear regression and gradient descent
73/271. Linear regression (Lasso, Ridge, Elastic-net)
2. Logistic regression
Exercise 3 (due: 4/9 23:59:59)
94/10Invited talks
104/17Midterm project proposal presentation
114/241. Logistic regression and gradient ascent
2. Precision, recall, ROC curve, and other measures
125/11. SVM
2. Lagrange Multiplier
Exercise 4 (due: 5/14 23:59:59)
135/81. SVM
2. Regularized linear regression and classification
3. Linear vs Kernel
145/151. Practical considerations
2. Ensemble methods
155/221. Ensemble methods
2. Reinforcement learning
176/5Final project presentation
186/12Deep learningFinal project report due