CE6143 - Introduction to Data Science (Fall 2020)

Lecture language: English

Final project presentation slides

Group Title Slides
1 Improving rare words representations PDF
2 Rain forecast based on weather photos PPTX
3 Rapid identification of acinetobacter nosocomialis antibiotic susceptibility based on matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry PPTX
4 Effectiveness of input data in sound classification task PPTX
5 Sentiment analysis of movie review PPTX
6 How bad are you? PPTX
7 Recipes classification PPTX
8 Birds' bones and living habits PPTX
9 Stock price prediction PPTX
10 NBA Players' Salary Prediction PPTX
11 Chang Gung 3D face similarity recognition PPTX
12 Credit Card Fraud Detection PPT
13 An implementation of gradient boosting classifier for voice-based parkinson's disease identification PPTX
14 House prices prediction PPTX
15 Using MALDI-TOF MS for resistance/susceptible prediction PPTX
16 Netflix visualizations, recommendation system PPTX
17 Prediction and analysis on salaries of nba players PPTX
18 Drug abuse EKG detect PPTX
19 Answer correctness prediction PPTX
20 Weather forecast PPTX
21 Natural language inference PPTX
22 House price prediction PPTX
23 Chord estimation PPTX

Meeting time


Recommended textbooks




Progress (subject to change)

19/151. Overview of the course
29/221. Introduction to ML
2. KNN
3. k-means
Exercise 1 (due: 9/28 23:59:59)
39/291. Distance measures
2. Entropy
3. Decision tree
410/61. Decision tree
2. Matrix derivatives
Exercise 2 (due: 10/19 23:59:59)
510/13Linear regression and regularization (Lasso, Ridge, Elastic-net)
TA session: Introduction to Python and popular scientific libraries in Python
610/201. Linear regression and regularization (Lasso, Ridge, Elastic-net)
2. Evaluation metrics for regression problem
Exercise 3 (due: 11/2 23:59:59)
710/271. Logistic regression and gradient ascent
2. Precision, recall, ROC curve, and other measures
911/10Midterm project proposal presentation
1011/171. Regularized linear regression and classification
2. Linear SVM with poly-2 terms vs Polynomial Kernel SVM
3. Factorization Machine and Field-aware Factorization Machine
1111/241. Practical considerations
2. Recommender systems
1212/11. Recommender systems
2. Differentiating regularization weights
3. Ensemble methods: bagging, boosting (Adaboost, gradient boosting), stacking, XGBoost
Exercise 4 (due: 12/14 23:59:59)
1312/8Deep neural network
1412/15Convolutional neural network
1512/221. Associated Learning
2. Recurrent neural network
1612/291. Attention model
2. Word embedding and graph embedding
171/5Final project presentation
181/12Final wrap-upFinal project report (due: 1/11 23:59:59)