CE6002/CE6152 - Seminar (Spring 2020)

Meeting time



Syllabus (subject to change)

Week Date Speaker Content
1 3/4 政大資科蔡銘峰教授 SMORe: Modularize Graph Embedding for Recommendation
2 3/11 Skymizer唐文力執行長 Compiler technology of Deep Learning Accelerator
3 3/18 政大應數蔡炎龍教授 From Attention and Transformer to Recent Advances in Natural Language Process
4 3/25 中研院資創中心王釧茹研究員 (因疫情取消)
5 4/1 國防部 (因疫情取消)
6 4/8 台科大專利所管中徽教授 工程領域專業倫理及智慧財產權--從校園裡的智慧財產歸屬談起
7 4/15 Pinkoi 劉依語 Python Charmer 寫程式是一種魔法:解決問題的魔法
8 4/22 政大資科黃瀚萱教授 Multi-source news event extraction and knowledge modeling
9 4/29 清大資工沈之涯教授 On Minimizing Diagonal Block-wise Differences for Neural Network Compression
10 5/6 成大統計李政德教授 Learning Feature Representation in Heterogeneous Information Networks with Its Applications
11 5/13 成大資工莊坤達教授 (因疫情取消)
12 5/20 交大資工林靖茹教授 In-Network Learning for SDN: Applications, Designs, and Challenges
13 5/27 LINE 陳鴻嘉資深技術總監 淺談資訊科技公司的數據科學與機器學習
14 6/3 KKTV Vince Huang 經理 (因疫情取消)
15 6/10 交大資工邱維辰教授 Unsupervised and Self-Supervised Learning on Computer Vision Problem: Case Study from My Recent Works
16 6/17 叡揚資訊林縣城副總經理 從數位化到擬人化 (企業應用系統轉型)
17 6/24 中大網學所陳攸華教授 Essential skills in Academic Writing