Our Days at NCU

It has been five years since Mallikarjun Bhavanari, Ph.D. student of the Graduate Program in Energy Engineering at National Central University (NCU), came from India to study in Taiwan. When mentioning his picking NCU as the first choice to study abroad at, he indicated that NCU provides high-quality education, outstanding infrastructure, and advanced technique, all of which allow him to improve his own abilities for his research projects. Therefore, he came to NCU to initiate his Ph.D. career.
He specifically mentioned those professors he has met at NCU, including Professor Chung-Jen Tseng, Professor Tai-Chou Lee, and Professor Kuan-Wen Wang. They have spent much time explaining the content of the curricula particularly for him; they also have offered him continuous encouragement and support when he was faced with difficulties in his work.
He appreciates NCU and every friendly person he has met in Taiwan for bringing him special memories of life and studies and opportunities to experience different cultures.
When the campus reporter met with Vina Agustina Gultom for the first time, what impressed the reporter the most was Vina’s everlasting smile. To Vina, it was a great opportunity to come to Taiwan to study in the Graduate Program in Physics at the Department of Physics at NCU. Besides learning in an academic environment of a higher level, it also means a lot to her to expand her own vision through studying abroad.
Vina is especially grateful to her advisor, Professor Wen-Hsien Li, for his offering of many suggestions on her research data and for his patient guidance as well. Her lab mate, Bo Yang, has also played an important role in her research experiences, leading her to the understanding of more physics knowledge that she has never thought about.
Thinking of her first arrival at NCU, she said laughingly that as her taxi climbed up to the roundabout at the gate of NCU, she watched the city lights down the hill. This scenery made her feel so lucky to come to NCU for her study.