Congratulations! NCU 8th distinguished alumnus, Chi-Ming Peng, has been appointed as the Minister of the Environmental Protection Administration!
Congratulations! NCU 8th distinguished alumnus, Chi-Ming Peng, has been appointed as the Minister of the Environmental Protection Administration!
Congratulations! Prof. Yu-Jung Chen from the Department of Physics won the 12th Young Scholars Innovation Award from the Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship (FAOS)
Congratulations! Prof. Yu-Jung Chen from the Department of Physics won the 12th Young Scholars Innovation Award from the Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship (FAOS)
Congratulations! NCU Securities Research Society has won the "Outstanding Award" in the Academic and Artistic Category of the 113th National Student Club Evaluation!
Congratulations! NCU Securities Research Society has won the "Outstanding Award" in the Academic and Artistic Category of the 113th National Student Club Evaluation!
Congratulations! NCU Mountaineering Club has won the "Excellence Award" in the Physical Fitness and Sports Category of the 113th National Student Club Evaluation!
Congratulations! NCU Mountaineering Club has won the "Excellence Award" in the Physical Fitness and Sports Category of the 113th National Student Club Evaluation!
Congratulations! Prof. Li-Wei Kuo from Department of Earth Sciences won Academia Sinica Scholar Award (ASSA) by Academia Sinica.
Congratulations! Prof. Li-Wei Kuo from Department of Earth Sciences won Academia Sinica Scholar Award (ASSA) by Academia Sinica.