The Asteroid No. 175419 Named After Albie Sachs, 2014 Tang Prize Winner in the Rule of Law
In honor of Justice Albie Sachs, the winner of Tang Prize and the former Judge to the Constitutional Court of South Africa, National Central University, Taiwan, proposed to name Asteroid No.175419 after him.
The World’s Smallest All-In-One Space Probe, “Advanced Ionospheric Probe”, Developed by NCU
Professor Chi-Kuang Chao led the Space Payload Laboratory of Graduate Institute of Space Science, NCU in developing the world’s smallest all-in-one space plasma sensor AIP.
Social Business Conference at NCU - Academics, Ecosystem, and Market – Great Leap Forward
A Century of Progress:The Impact of NCU on the Republic of China
100th University Anniversary Concert, Unstoppable Popularity
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