“We Shall No Longer Wait!” Dr. Lee Yuan-tseh on Climate Change
At the Yu Chi-zhong Lecture Series of 2016, NCU invited Dr. Lee Yuan-tseh, the Nobel laureate in Chemistry, to deliver a speech on climate change and related issues. He heavy-heartedly gave the topic “We Shall No Longer Wait” to the lecture.
View from Tea & Life Aspects—Tea-Tasting Activity for Foreign Students
In order to help foreign students learn about Chinese tea culture, the Office of Student Dormitory Service held “View from Tea & Life Aspects,” adding color to their dormitory life.
Exploration of Science Education IPST of Thailand Visited Taiwan
In the early October, IPST which belongs to the Thailand Ministry of Education, led 36 teachers from SMTAT to visit Taiwan. They were shared with the results of Taiwan science education in the hope of inspiring much more ideas and passion of teaching.
The Birth of the First “Yunus Prize” Winners in the Promotion of Social Business
The NCU Team was the Biggest Winner of the 16th Macronix Golden Silicon Awards
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