2018-02-12Academic News
The Secret Weapon for Food Testing: The Portable Allergens Testing Device iEAT Developed by Dr. Huang Chen-Han
Sponsored by the GSSAP established by the MOST, Dr. Huang Chen-Han, Assistant professor of the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering at NCU, visited the top medical schools and institutes of the world — HMS of Harvard University and MGH to conduct research, developing the iEAT, the medical device for allergens detection in the Internet of Things.
2018-01-18Academic News
Shedding New Light on “Preventive Medicine”: The Kidney Cancer Target Discovery Project Proposed by Dr. Tien Hsu’s Team Stood Out
Based in the “Matrix Biology Laboratory” on the campus of NCU, Dr. Hsu and his team applied the world’s cutting-edge technology to analyzing characteristics of one single immunocyte in the tissues of kidney cancer, researching on new prevention mechanism and targeted therapy and finding fresh turning points for innovative translational research.
2018-01-11Academic News
The Supersonic “Bow Wave” in the Sonic Boom Caused by a Solar Eclipse: The First-time Discovery Made by Dr. Liu Jann-Yenq and His Research Team
“The Great American Eclipse,” the total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017, caught the world’s attention and attracted more than 1.47 million Instagramers to click like on the photo of the eclipse on NASA’s Instagram page.
2017-10-17Academic News
The Contribution of the Graduate Institute of Astronomy at NCU to Global Astronomical Observation Results Was Published in Science
The discovery not only verified the general theory of relativity developed by Albert Einstein but also helped solve the riddle of formation of gold in the universe.This significant research achievement was written in the article “Illuminating Gravitational Waves: A Concordant Picture of Photons from a Neutron Star Merger” and published in the latest world-renowned scientific journal, Science.
2017-10-06Academic News
Faculty and Students at the Graduate Institute of Space Science Re-write the Theories on Textbooks