Flying to Vietnam with Happiness: NCU International Volunteers Heading Southbound for Service Learning
The NCU international volunteer team headed to Sa Dec City in Vietnam to carry out their first mission in 2018. Since the city has never visited by any international volunteer teams before, the student volunteers from NCU were particularly welcomed by the local government and volunteers.
Our Days at NCU
Our Days at NCU
Redeem the glory of speaking mother language
National Central University (NCU) and the Hakka Affairs Council (HAC) hosted the International Conference on Revitalization of the Hakka Language and Minority Language. 11 experts with grass-root experience and academic excellence from Finland, Belgium, Germany, UK, France, Spain, and Japan were invited to participate and share their valuable knowledge.
Multinational Team from the NCU Center for Astronautical Physics and Engineering wins UNISEC Mission Idea Content for the second time
Yi Duann, a student of the National Central University (NCU) Graduate Institute of Space Science (GISS), teamed up with William Evonovsky from the University of Colorado, and Kaustubh Anand Kandi from the Indian Space Research Organization, and won the championship of 5th Mission Idea Contest held by the University Space Engineering Consortium (UNISEC).
The IES Coders from TIGP-ESS of NCU Won the Third Place in the 2018 NASA Space Apps Challenge-Taipei
The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), the National Space Organization (NSPO), and other organizations held “2018 NASA Space Apps Challenge-Taipei” from October 19 to 21, 2018. Members of IES Coders outperformed other competitors, winning the third place in the contest and getting the IBM internship opportunity.