Campus Life

Clubs & Associations

Posted on: 2021-06-07
Student Association
Location: Zhi-Dao Hall (2F)
Service Hours: Mon. to Fri. 12:00~13:00
Tel: internal extension 57296
Web: NCU Student Association

Clubs and Associations in Departments
For more details, please see List of Student Clubs and Associations.

Teams and Groups
A variety of extracurricular activities for you to choose from: NCU Student VolunteersNCU TVChinese Tea HouseEnglish Café.

Service Learning

Undergraduate students are required to have service-learning credits before their graduation. For more details, please refer to Center for Service Learning.

Staff & Faculty Clubs
Our staff and faculty are welcome to join a variety of clubs in their free time: List of staff & faculty clubs.

NCU Employee Association
To enhance the communication with the University and the bonding among employees, welcome to join the NCU Employee Association. Visit us also on Facebook-NCU Employee Association.
Last Updated: 2022-08-23